Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Letter From Carters CEO, Michael Casey

Today a letter arrived at our home via Federal Express from Carters’ CEO, Michael Casey. It was handwritten and on the Carters’ CEO letterhead. Here is the content of the note:


Dear Mr. (our last name),

I received your email yesterday. I am very sorry to hear that your daughter developed a rash while wearing a Carter’s garment.

As a father of six children, I care deeply about the safety & health of children.

I want to assure you that we are thoroughly investing (sic) the cause of the rash.

I am committed to regaining your trust in our products. I hope you’ll give us that opportunity.


/ s /
Mike Casey

This letter was sent via FedEx, and the footnote on the letterhead reads:

Michael C. Casey Chief Executive Officer

1170 Peachtree Street, Suite 900, Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Telephone 404-745-2802 Fax 404-892-3079

Email NYSE Listed: CRI

Here is my response, sent via email tonight:

Dear Mr. Casey,

Thank you for your letter. First, our baby Ava did not develop a rash. She was chemically burned by the Carters clothes she wore. Our pediatrician confirmed she suffered a chemical burn and not a rash. Secondly, a Carters tagless product recall and public disclosure is the only solution, which you failed to address in your letter. You are a father of six children, how many more families and babies are you willing to sacrifice?

Lastly, you cannot regain our or the public’s trust in your Carters brand until you act appropriately. We will not stop our relentless pursuit to publicize this issue until you and Carters take immediate and appropriate actions. Your products injured our baby and many others. The statistical rate of reported injuries should be an irrelevant factor in you and your company’s decision to disclose this hazard and recall your product. Do the right thing.


/ s /


Moms Who Vax said...

Excellent response to a utterly pointless, disingeous letter from the CEO. It's interesting how CEOs seem to think that personal attention--regardless of how fleeting and how insubstantial--from a CEO will make a consumer feel grateful.

Your response was perfect.

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know, that my daughter didn't suffer from burns like yours did.

HOWEVER, whem I first read about this issue I went through all her clothes & set aside all the "problem" ones, contacted carter's & was told they would send me an envelope to send the clothing to them to get a refund.

That was 3 weeks ago. I ended up sewing medical tape over the items, b/c I dont want to deal with this company.

I read the update (including yur letter) on ZRecs today, and wanted to let you know that even though my daughter didn't suffer, I will NEVER give any money to Carter's again. To say they handled this badly is puttting it mildly.

I have also passed around the story to family & friends, and hopefully it will affect their choices in purchases in the future.

If we won't protect our kids, who will?

mControl said...

I will add your blog to my own so other mommies and daddies are aware of the problem - your return response to that pointless dribble from the 'CHIEF' was well stated and timely. Keep on 'em!

Janet said...

I appreciate all of your support. Carters CEO, Michael Casey, can't win us over with a handwritten note. He needs to issue a corporate mandate to recall these defective clothes! The public advisory and statements have not even reach Carters' retail stores (just updated my blog with a victim's account). It's truly shameful. Thank you for helping to share this information!

What am I doing today....oh, I have kids said...

My infant has also developed the born in the last 24 hours. EXACT location of the "tagless." I am waiting for morning to call Carters but have already sent an email to EVERYONE I know, commented to everyone on Facebook and have demanded and will continue to demand a RECALL!! Parents today use Born Free Plastic Bottles, PVC free plastics etc....why can't we demand that they make safer clothing for our babies!!! Carters is already saving millions having these clothes manufactured in China, are they really that cheap that they have to cut costs at the expense of infants.

Janet said...

Dear C ~ I echo your frustration and outrage about this hideous corporate practice. It is truly amazing that this company is making money off of our babies' backs! I am also sorry to hear that your child has been affected. Please continue to spread the word any way you can. I started this blog to share our own experience in hopes it would save other babies and their families from this terrible experience and injury. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read this blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
Cell jammers

Anonymous said...

Did you contact the CPSC? The Consumer Product Safety Commission is there to protect the public from products that are deemed 'unsafe'. This certainly fits that catagory. They will make sure that the product(s) in question will be removed from the market place. I wish you and your baby well.

Janet said...

Dear Anonymous: Yes, the CPSC is informed & came out with a statement in conjuction with Carters warning consumers that babies may be affected. Unfortunately it came too late for daughter and many other families.